稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM | 台湾高品质稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM制造商 | 第一電阻電容器股份有限公司

第一電阻是台湾专业制造稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM及提供稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM服务的优良厂商(成立于西元1969年)超过55年电阻设计与生产经验,生产制造全系列电阻器,所有产品符合欧盟RoHS & REACH规范。 .


营业时间:上午9:00 –下午6:00

稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM

精密电阻,常时间使用稳定性高/ 超过55年电阻设计与生产经验

稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM - 穩定功率型晶圓電阻 0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM
  • 稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM - 穩定功率型晶圓電阻 0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM
稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM


穩定功率型晶圓電阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM是MELF封裝並使用特殊導電膜設計的,可以防浪湧並承受高脈衝負載,阻值公差小而且常時間使用呈現阻值穩定性

尺寸 额定功率 精度(%) 温度系数(PPM) 阻值(Ω) 包装方式
0204 0.4W 0.50% ±25 68.1 3K/Tape Reel
  • Heat dissipation is much better than chip resistor
  • Stronger mechanical structure to endure vibration and thermal shock
  • Low temperature coefficient and tolerances
  • Excellent stability
  • Superior power handling
  • Products meet RoHS requirements and do not contain substances of very high concern identified by European Chemicals Agency
  • 电源
  • 电表
  • 医疗设备
  • 功业控制
Stabilized Film Power MELF Resistor - SFP series, is showing the surge performance from 10uS to 1S.
Stabilized Film Power MELF Resistor - SFP series, is showing the surge performance from 10uS to 1S.

Stabilized Film Power MELF Resistor - SFP series, the surge performance between single and repetitive surge.
• Above graph is accurate for NON REPETITIVE applications operating in an ambient temperature of 70°C or less. For temperatures above
70°C, the graph power must be derated further linearly down to zero at 125°C. • For applicable surge power in continuous-surge applications please see SURGE POWER DERATING CURVE above.

Suggested pad layout for Stabilized Film Power MELF Resistor - SFP series
Suggested pad layout for Stabilized Film Power MELF Resistor - SFP series

此晶圆电阻具有防浪涌并承受高脉冲负载,长时间使用后的阻值仍较Chip Resistor更稳定


第一電阻 稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM服务简介

第一電阻電容器股份有限公司是台湾一家拥有超过55年经验的专业稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM生产制造服务商. 我们成立于西元1969年, 在电阻器生产制造领域上,第一電阻提供专业高品质的稳定功率型晶圆电阻0.4W 68.1ohm 0.5% 25PPM制造服务,第一電阻总是可以达成客户各种品质要求