抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5% | 台灣高品質抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%製造商 | 第一電阻電容器股份有限公司

第一電阻是台灣專業製造抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%及提供抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%服務的優良廠商(成立於西元1969年)超過55年電阻設計與生產經驗,生產製造全系列電阻器,所有產品符合歐盟RoHS & REACH規範。.


營業時間:上午9:00 –下午6:00

抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%

抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 / 超過55年電阻設計與生產經驗

抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻  1W 4.7ohm 5% - 抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%
  • 抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻  1W 4.7ohm 5% - 抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%
抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%


抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻(SWAT) 1W 4.7ohm 5%與SWA系列相同,但特別在其上添加了可熔斷功能,它可以在高溫下長期穩定運行,抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻用於要求抗浪湧和電阻熔斷安全保護的電氣設備中。

--1W5%--4.71K/Tape Box
  • Granted multination patents
  • Enhanced welded spot is reliable against surge
  • Fast-acting fuse device for high power applications
  • Advanced combined anti-surge & fast-fuse structure
  • Flameproof multi-layer coating equivalent to UL 94 V-0
  • Flameproof feature equivalent to overload test UL 1412
  • Thermal fuse to protect against overheating in electronic products
  • RoHS / REACH Compliant
  • Reflow-soldering safe
  • Low T.C.R to ensure stable power output
  • 電表
  • 馬達啟動保護
  • 工業自動化
  • 電容充電(放電)電阻
  • 電源
Anti-Surge Wirewound Fast-Fuse Resistor - SWAT series,is showing the surge performance from 10uS to 1S.
Anti-Surge Wirewound Fast-Fuse Resistor - SWAT series,is showing the surge performance from 10uS to 1S.

Anti-Surge Wirewound Fast-Fuse Resistor-SWAT series, the surge performance between single and repetitive surge.
• SINGLE SURGE PERFORMANCE graph is good for NON REPETITIVE applications operating in an ambient temperature of 70°C or less.
For temperatures above 70°C, the graph power must be derated further linearly down to zero at 150 °C.
• To determine applicable surge power in continuous-surge applications:
1. Identify allowable duration and peak power Psurge of single surge.
2. Determine ratio of surge duration / surge OFF time in application.
3. Calculate Papplicable backwardly according to Y-axis of SURGE POWER DERATING CURVE.




第一電阻 抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%服務簡介

第一電阻電容器股份有限公司是台灣一家擁有超過55年經驗的專業抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%生產製造服務商. 我們成立於西元1969年, 在電阻器生產製造領域上, 第一電阻提供專業高品質的抗突波繞線可熔斷插件電阻 1W 4.7ohm 5%製造服務, 第一電阻 總是可以達成客戶各種品質要求